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BEd, MA, MBA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Impact of derivatives trading on Investors in Indian capital Market Journal of Science 21-Nov-2020 33 / 11 / 01-09

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of derivatives trading on Investors in Indian capital Market
Name of Journal Journal of Science
Volume No 33
Issue No 11
Page No 01-09
URL https://gujs.org/volume-33-issue-11/
Date of Publication 21-Nov-2020
2 Regional Budgetary allocation for smart city mission in India Test Engineering and Management 01-Apr-2020 83 / March-pril 2020 / 5951-5958

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Regional Budgetary allocation for smart city mission in India
Name of Journal Test Engineering and Management
Volume No 83
Issue No March-pril 2020
Page No 5951-5958
URL http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/index
Date of Publication 01-Apr-2020
3 Service Supply Chain-Lean and Green Practices adopted by Indian Banks TEST Engineering & Management magazine 26-Feb-2020 82 / / 12560-12565

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Service Supply Chain-Lean and Green Practices adopted by Indian Banks
Name of Journal TEST Engineering & Management magazine
Volume No 82
Issue No
Page No 12560-12565
URL http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/2861/2508
Date of Publication 26-Feb-2020
4 Influence of Technology, its Impact on Urban Migration Productive Capacity Waffen-Und Kostumkunde 17-Feb-2020 XI / II / 151-166

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) HEMALATHA R
Title of Article Influence of Technology, its Impact on Urban Migration Productive Capacity
Name of Journal Waffen-Und Kostumkunde
Volume No XI
Issue No II
Page No 151-166
URL http://druckhaus-hofmann.de
Date of Publication 17-Feb-2020

Cases/Notes/Working Papers

Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
1 Affordable Housing in Bangalore City: A Realty Challenge The city of Bangalore witnessed several changes in the trading of goods and services from pre-independence period. The city has transformed from selling local produce to setting up the nucleus of the Information Technology industry in the country. This phenomenal growth is also witnessed in the expansion of the geographic boundaries of the city. The city?s developmental fate has changed hands through several bureaucratic powers. The government has segregated the powers based on smaller geographical areas or wards, functional development required and many other criteria. This led many developmental projects to be initiated in isolation, lack of funds and resources and coordination which has largely affected the common man?s day-to-day life. With the city attracting large numbers of people from the rural hinterlands, other cities and even other countries seeking job employment, the population has multiplied. This has further caused bottlenecks in infrastructure development, particularly housing for the teeming population. In specific, the lower middle and lower classes of the society are bereft of any hope to own a house of their own. The government?s land allocation efficiency is under question. The government decided to invite private participation to aid housing for these sections of the society. Though affordable housing is not a new concept there was marginal effort from private participants. The government further encouraged private participation by allowing players to build multi-storeyed housing. All these changes influenced an upward pressure on property prices. The case study tries to explore the supply and demand gaps in the market, role of government and private players and challenges of affordable housing. Pedagogical objectives: ? The case identifies the fundamental market forces of demand, supply and price for increase in housing demand in the city ? The case study explores the various stakeholders and their role in affordable housing, especially the Case Christ University Institute of Management

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter UTKARSH2025 CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMEN1, SUSTAINABILITY AND GOVERNANCE: CREATING SHARED VALUE Green Finance: Initiatives and Implications in Transition Finance to Implement Sustainable Sustainability 21/02/2025 St.Joseph's Institute of Management Bangalore International
2 Seminar Presenter with the On e-Day International Seminar "The Cyber Path to Viksit Bharat@ 2047: Building a Safe Digital Future" Digital Infrastructure from Unbalanced to Big Push, a momentum of acceleration of Banking Technology to drive towards impetus ?Developed India?. 17/02/2025 Christ University International
3 Conference Presenter Rethink, Reimagine, Redesign, Business for Meaningful and minful Impact Enveloping Comprehensive City Development Strategy for a sustainable Integrated community Living 14/10/2024 Fortune Institute of International Business International
4 Conference Presenter ?Convergence 2024: Harmonizing AI & Humanities for a Sustainable Discourse ? Relationship between exchange rate and capital Flows in India 23/03/2024 Don Bosco Arts and Science college International
5 Conference Presenter Leading digital transformation Past, Present and Future Carbon Neutrality, Carbon footprint and Circular Economy Indian Initiatives to combat carbon footprint 16/02/2024 St. Joseph's Institute of Management International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference on Environmental, Social Governance Caring and Compliances in Doing Responsible Business 27/06/2023 MSRIM International
7 Conference Presenter 43rd world Management Congress Impact of ingredient Brand Oreo on Brand equity of Host brands 16/12/2022 Christ University International
8 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on Digital Marketing Experiences? 27/10/2021 Jain Deemed to be University International
9 Conference Co-presenter Drivers of Global Economic Recovery 23/04/2021 Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies International
10 Conference Presenter Industry 4.0: Innovation, Transformation & Business Strategies ?I4.0 and Economic Policy - Lags and Laggards? 07/04/2021 Christ University National
11 Conference Participant Let us Dream Triennial International Virtual conference 20/11/2020 Christ University International
12 Symposium Panelist Doctoral Committee expert meet 15/10/2020 Dayanand Sagar University Institutional
13 Conference Presenter 10th Virtual International conference on Corporate Governance Leadership and Governance Challenges for 3rd Millennium Corporate Governance is the Game-changer in the Indian banking Industry- An Investigation 05/10/2020 Institute of Public Enterprise International
14 Symposium Panelist Doctoral Committee 23/06/2020 Dayanand Sagar Institutional
15 Seminar Participant Where to draw the line-Webinar 05/06/2020 Christ University Institutional
16 Seminar Participant Professional excellence and Politics in Institutions and organizations 28/05/2020 Christ University National
17 Symposium Panelist Selection Committee 17/01/2020 Karnatka State Akkamahadevi Women's University Regional
18 Conference Presenter An International Conference on Economics and Finance The Impact of External Economic Factors on GDP growth of Emerging Markets 13/12/2019 SVKMS NMIMS, Bangalore International
19 Conference Presenter International Conference on Transormational Strategies for Business Sustainability Regional Budgetary Allocation for Smart City Mission in India 04/10/2019 Christ University International
20 Conference Presenter Eight National Conference On Case Studies Fiscal Policy and Budget Management 16/08/2019 Christ University National
21 Conference Presenter International Conference on Finance and Economics Risk Perception among aspiring trading investors in Investment decision making 09/02/2019 Christ University International
22 Conference Presenter Economic Growth and Sustainable Development:Emerging trend Has Waves of Techinfonomics expanded productive capacity 23/11/2018 Christ University International
23 Conference Presenter International Conference A study on the analysis of expenditure pattern on R & D with respect to India 08/11/2016 Christ University International
24 Conference Presenter Financial Innovation:An gengine of growth or instability - Christ University National
25 Conference Presenter Investment Inflows to Foster Economic Development - Christ University National
26 Participant Infrastructure for Sustainable Development Organi - Maharani's College Bangalore Institutional
27 Participant Economic Reforms & Fiscal Management in India - Maharani's College Bangalore Regional
28 Participant Inter-disciplinary International Conference - UAS Bangalore International
29 Participant Economic Reforms and Employment Generation - ICWA at National College Bangalore National
30 Participant Environment and Ecological Sustainability in Indi - Maharani's College Bangalore Regional
31 Participant New Paradigm of Competitiveness- Positioning Manag - CMR Management College Bangalore Regional
32 Participant Business Challenges and strategies - Christ University National
33 Conference Presenter Preliminary Indicators in the Performance of State of India in Enhancing Productivity - Christ University Regional

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Product Development Economics Final year BE students 19/01/2023 School of Engineering and Technology
2 Workshop on research Methodology International Baccalaureate Diploma Program 18/08/2015 IBDP Christ PU college

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 A study on the prospects of the Fertilizer Industry for sustainable market match Mr.Phillip Mathemera Christ University
2 Leadership Innovation: A paradigm shift from Follower ship to Partnership Mr.Patson Dzamara Christ University
3 A Study on the Prospects of Zimbabwe Fertiliser Industry for a Sustainable Market Match Philip Mathemera Christ University May 2018

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Yield Management in Hotel Industry Christ University Institute of Management Internal
2 Mapping Social Work Perspectives in Corporate Social Responsibility HEMALATHA R, BINO THOMAS Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Finance Fundamentals BloomBerg International 23/02/2025
2 Environmental, Social and Governance BloomBerg International 16/02/2025
3 Market Concepts BloomBerg International 03/02/2025
4 Financial Modelling NSE International 21/11/2024
5 Financial Derivatives Centre for Executive Education Regional 09/11/2024
6 Block Chain IEEE National 20/09/2024
7 Case Study Teaching Methods All India Institute of Management and Supreme Knowledge Foundation International 18/07/2024
8 Getting Started with MSExcel ProjectNetwork coursera International 24/06/2024
9 Advanced Pedagogy NITTR Kolkota National 15/01/2024
10 AI for educators Nodal Office National 12/08/2023
11 Course era Project Network Freedom Learning Group International 17/07/2023
12 Portfolio Optimization using Markowitz Model Project Network International 17/07/2023
13 Investment Risk Management Course era Project Network International 17/07/2023
14 Introduction to valuation with WACC Project Network, Course era International 17/07/2023
15 Portfolio Diversification using Correlation Matrix Project Network Course era International 17/07/2023
16 Stock Valuation with Comparable Companies Analysis Project Network Course era International 17/07/2023
17 Embracing ESG for sustainable future MS Ramaiah Institute of Management Institutional 26/06/2023
18 FDP-I CEDBEC & SDC Institutional 26/06/2023
19 Innovative teaching and Learning Methods School of Business and Management Institutional 19/06/2023
20 Economics of Money and Banking Columbia University International 05/06/2023
21 Design thinking Workshop Christ Deemed to be University. Institutional 15/12/2022
22 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) École Polytechnique International 15/06/2021
24 Case Study Learning School of Business and Management & Centre for Case research and Development Institutional 11/08/2020
25 ?Analysis of Time Series Data using E-views Department of MBA, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad National 30/07/2020
26 30M Training. Microsoft Teams Christ University Institutional 10/07/2020
27 Application of Econometrics in Business Research School of Business and Management National 23/06/2020
28 Application of Econometrics in Business Research School of Business and Management Christ University National 23/06/2020
29 FDP-Digital Marketing IIM B National 22/05/2020
30 Learning to Teach Online University of New South Wales Sydney International 21/05/2020
31 Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities Lund University International 20/04/2020
32 Quality Improvement program Academic Staff College 20/05/2019
33 Teaching Summer School,Accounting Indian Institute of Management, National 22/04/2019
34 Finance for Non-Finance,MDP Institute of Management Regional 12/04/2019
35 Case Study Workshop Christ University Regional 17/01/2019
36 National Workshop on Data Analysis Christ University National 25/10/2018
37 QIP Christ University 21/05/2018
38 Summer Workshop Christ University Institutional 17/04/2018
39 Workshop on SEM National Institute of Technology Regional 28/04/2017
40 National Level Summer workshop Christ University National 17/04/2017
41 Stratgeic Management Christ University Insitute of Management National 29/11/2013


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Reviewer Had reviewed a research article entitled Kenyan Exports: Tax incentives, Firm traits, Firm-Level, and Macroeconomic determinants Asian journal of Economics,Business & Accounting, 27 December 2021
2 Reviewer A research article was reviewed entitled ASSESSMENT OF CREDIT RISK IDENTIFICATION ON LOAN REPAYMENT PERFORMANCE OF SACCOS IN IMENTI SOUTH SUB-COUNTY, MERU Asian Journal of Economics,Business and Accounting 24 March 2023
3 Reviewer Reviewed an article entitled An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index in the Development of Human Capital of ASEAN-5 countries Thailand World Economy 07 November 2022
4 Nominee Executive Council An invite to be part of executive meet on education program, students welfare and other discussion related to budget. Based on agenda of chair minutes are made. Opinion and suggestions are discussed and consented with other members during the meet. Mostly attended online meets. Jamia Millia Islamia 14 March 2022
5 Reviewer Constructive International Conference on Navigating Uncertainty Finance for sustainable growth School of Business and Management 09 November 2023
6 Reviewer Research papers on social science were reviewed. M P Institute of Social Science 23 April 2023
7 Resource Invite Talk on Education as pillar of Health and sustainable development. Holy Cross College 05 February 2024
8 Reviewer Reviewed a research paper entitled digital collaboration Platform and employees performance in MIN Southeast Nigeria. Final outcome the study has reflected on the need to leverage on data analytics to gain insights into employee task performance, to identify areas of improvement and optimizing processes for increased efficiency. Global Press hub 29 March 2024
9 Reviewer Towards Sustainable Cities: Overcoming Challenges and Implementing Solutions for Sustainable Urban Development Towards Achieving SDG 11 Sustainable urban development (SUD) is a field of study that has grown significantly among academics throughout time. The study focuses on two objectives: first, to explore the most important themes of the field, determinants that lead to the attainment of SDG 11, and the role of SUD in meeting four of its targets (energy efficiency and renewable energy, climat Wiley 26 February 2025
10 Reviewer The aim of this study is to determine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices can influence the corporate performances of listed firms in the industrial goods producing sector of Nigeria and other developing countries. BP International 30 October 2024
11 Reviewer We explore the scope of escalating agriculture export in doubling farmers income and rational use of the growing Indian agriculture surplus and consequent glut, farmer distress B P International 28 December 2024


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